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- (April Fools 2023) Powering up your experience: Modrinth Technologies™️ beta launch!
(April Fools 2023) Powering up your experience: Modrinth Technologies™️ beta launch!
Welcome to the new era of Modrinth. We can't wait to hear your feedback.

Update 04/02: Due to a number of (ridiculous) complaints we received such as “not being able to use the site on mobile” and “the ads are a bit much”, we have decided to halt the rollout of the beta site. Happy April 1st, everyone. You can view the joke site here: https://april-fools-2023.modrinth.com/
OwO hewwo evewyone! I'm super exdited to announth that Modwinth is getting a bwand new update! WOOHOO! But, befowe I dwelve into the detaiws, I want to apologize in advance because my grammar and spwelling might not be the best (teehee). Anyway, this new update is going to be sow awesome and is going to make Modwinth the best modding website evew!
But first, a quick message to all of our mobile users: We don't cawe about you anymore! insert evil laughter here We've decided to focus all of our efforts on desktop users, so we won't be supporting mobile devices anymore. If you want to use Modwinth, you'll have to buy a desktop or laptop computer! (LOL)
And that's not aww, we've also added a bunch mowe ads! Because, wet's face it, who doesn't wove ads? Am I wight? (hehe) We've added ads that will pop up evewy five seconds, so you won't miss them. And to make suwe you don't get bowed of seeing the same ad over and over again, we've made suwe to wotate them frequently. You'we welcome! UwU
Oh, and did I mention the nyew wayout and design? We've made it weally cool! YAY! We wanted to make suwe that UwU aww feel a sense of nyostalgia and weminisce about the good owd days of the intewnet. Wemembew those days when websites wooked wike they wewe made by a 5-yeaw-owd? Well, we've bwought that back! (WINKY WINK)
The Fitneshgwam Pacew Test is a multistage aewobic capabiwity test that pwogwessively gets mowe difficult as it continyues. The 20 metew pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Nyya~ Meowmeow! Win the pacer test you must weach the othew end befowe the beep. Each time you hear the beep meow, uwu wun nyya to the othew end nya. The wun nya must be in wine with the beep. Meowmeow! The eawwier nya you wun, the mowe time you have to westa nya. If you faiw to weach the othew end befowe the beep nya meow, the test will end. So twy youw best and Gud wuck!
In suwummawy, we'we weally excited about the nyew changes and we hope UwU awe too! Modwinth is no wonger a pwace for everyone, but wather, for deskto-p users onwy. We've also added mowe ads than evew befowe and made suwe to make the wayout and design as tewwible as possibwe!
Enjoy! UwU